Thursday, September 07, 2017

Disgraced Ex-Mayor JOE BOLES and Sheriff's Self-Confessed "Mouthpiece" on WFOY Hate Radio This Morning

Disgraced ex-Mayor JOSEPH LESTER BOLES, JR, hosted the man he called Sheriff DAVID SHOAR's "mouthpiece," COMMANDER CHARLES MULLIGAN, on WFOY Hate Radio this morning, on the Council on Aging Hour. Both discussed Hurricane Irma without talking about global climate change, while emitting happy talk about our wonderful Sheriff SHOAR, whom BOLES said was the best Sheriff ever, to the delight of SHOAR's brother-in-law, MULLIGAN.

JOE BOLES blathered and blathered and blathered.  He even showed his ignorance about the Emergency Operations Center -- he falsely claimed the land was "donated by the Usina family."  The Usina family sold for $3 million the mostly-swamp land to the Mosquito Control District for $3 million, and the District donated part of it to the County.

No mention of the Michelle O'Connell case, The New York Times, PBS/FRONTLINE, or anything of substance.

Much of the time was spent talking about helping older people during the hurricane.  BOLES has ben Chairman of the Council on Aging since 1998 and he makes his living on elder law.

The radio station blares three hours of RUSH LIMBAUGH per day -- no attempt to rebut LIMBAUGH's saying concerns about Hurricane Irma are exaggerated or fake.

No calls taken -- just BOLES and MULLIGAN for an hour.

"God bless everybody," BOLES closed.


1 comment:

Warren Celli said...

Paydough to Menendez to Havealay